Parabola Crash Course FAQ

Where and when is this event?

The crash course will be held Saturday, July 13, 2024 from 9-1pm at the Providence Public Library Auditorium with a rooftop party immediately following until 4pm. Check-in starts at 8:30am.

What if I'm late?

We recommend that you arrive in time to be seated by 9am, or you might miss the video messages. They will not be replayed.

How much does it cost and do I need to register?

Yes, you will need to register in advance. Tickets are available on a sliding scale, with free community access tickets for anyone who needs them. Visit our website for more information.

Where can I find the speakers and schedule?

The speakers are listed on our website and the detailed schedule can be found here.

Is there a way to participate virtually?

No, but we will be recording the speakers' talks and sharing clips online.

How do I get there and where can I park?

Public transit is our recommendation because the Providence Public Library is easily accessible by train and bus.

You can find driving directions to the library and nearby parking facilities here.

The rooftop party is approximately a 5-10 minute walk from the library.

What if I need special accommodations?

Please find more information about accommodations at the library auditorium here. If that link doesn't answer your question, please reach out to us at

What should I bring?

This is a 4-hour crash course that will move quickly, followed by a rooftop party. You may want to dress for hot weather and bring a light sweater for the auditorium. We suggest bringing a way to take notes, plus water and snacks for break times. Don't forget to get a good night's sleep and eat breakfast too!

Will food and drinks be provided?

There will not be food provided at the crash course; however, food will be provided at the rooftop party.

Are there discounted hotel rooms available?

Unfortunately our hotel room blocks expired on June 20. There are several hotels in downtown Providence within walking distance to all events.

Are there other events?

After the crash course and rooftop party, Parabola Center is co-hosting a joint fundraiser with our local partners in Rhode Island at the Trinity Brewhouse. Tickets are required.

On Sunday, there will be a leadership training for a select group of people committed to promoting justice and preventing monopolies in cannabis and who want to deepen their understanding of the issues, sharpen their advocacy skills, and strategize for maximum impact. This training is by application only.

What is the dress code?

The dress for all events over the weekend is casual. We recommend preparing for both indoor and outdoor temperatures.

How can I support Parabola Center?

The best way to support our mission is to attend the event and make the most of it, and bring your friends! You can contact us at for sponsorship options. If you are not able to attend in person, please read our resources at and follow us online at @parabolacenter.

Where can I ask other questions?

You can reach us at We will add other frequently asked questions to this page.